Find you way
Just outside the city, beautifully located in a protected forest area will you find Aakirkeby Camping. When you arrive to Aakirkeby City, you will be able to find camping signs that will lead you to us.
Bus no. 6 from Rønne: If you are arriving with the ferry in Rønne you can take bus no. 6. The Bus sign will say Nexø but do not worry it will go though Aakirkeby. The bus will dispatch about 15 minutes after the ferry has arrived and you can find the bus to your right from the exit terminal. The ride will take about 30 minutes. Ask the driver to stop by the campsite sign and a sign with the name of “Dams på bakken” on the street cross Nybyvej/Haregade or let you get off just outside the city zone sign.
On your bike from Rønne: If you are going by bike from Rønne then the shortest way is to follow route 38 against Nexø and Aakirkeby. When you arrive to Aakirkeby City, you will be able to find camping signs that will lead you to us, turn right in the crossroad just after the churcj and go out of town for about 800 meters until you meet the sign for camping on your right. Alternatively, you can choose a longer but more beautiful way along the cost. Turn left by the sign to Aakirkeby at the sign of Boderne Strand and the big red house. The cost tour will take about 1,5 hours
By Car from Rønne: The shortest way by car is to follow route 38 against Nexø and Aakirkeby. When you arrive to Aakirkeby City, you will be able to find camping signs that will lead you to us. In practise, when you are in the crossway by the pizza bar and a grill bar is just opposite you, then turn right and go out of town for about 800 meters until you meet the sign for camping on your right. Alternatively, you can choose a longer but more beautiful way along the cost. Turn left by the sign to Aakirkeby. If you turn by the first sign, you will go though the city and if you turn at the second sign at Boderne you will come from behind and Haregade will be on you left after you have passed the car museum. The cost drive will take about 25 minutes.
By Airplane: There are taxies and a bus is also going from the airport. You can find the timetable and phone numbers on the homepage Bornholms Lufthavn.
From Allinge: The shortest and easiest way from Allinge to Aakirkeby by bus depends on the season. Are you by bike, are you about to experience a lovely trip. There are bike cycle paths all the way but the fastest way is properly to follow the main road via Klemensker. By car you can go via Klemensker or Årsdale(Aasdale).
Bus no. 6 from Nexø: You can take bus no. 6 from Nexø against Rønne. The ride will take about 30 minutes. Ask the driver to stop by the campsite sign and a sign with the name of Dams på bakken on the street cross Nybyvej/Haregade or let you get off just before the city zone sign.
On Bike from Nexø: You can choose the shortest way by following route 38 against Rønne and Aakirkeby. Or you can choose the bike cycling road no. 21 which will take you though the lovely country side. You can turn left at the sign for the bilmuseum(car museum) and turn right when you reach the main road Nybyvej. About 500 meters down the road you will find the sign for the campsite to your left. The ride takes about 1.5 hours.
By car from Nexø: The shortest way by car is to follow route 38 against Rønne and Aakirkeby. When you arrive to Aakirkeby City, you will be able to find camping signs that will lead you to us. Alternatively, you can choose a longer but more beautiful way along the cost. Turn right by the sign to Aakirkeby at Boderne, then you will come from behind and Haregade will be on you left after you have passed the car museum. The drive will take about 25 minutes.